
The specifics of cosmeceuticals, vitamins and supplements by Yotsuba Japan:

Extensive research and development work of the best scientists at the core of each product. Japan has the most technologically advanced production facilities in the world.
Clinical tests. For the manufacturing of a product to start, it undergoes INDEPENDENT evidence-led inspection which helps to control the efficacy claims made by the manufacturer.
The Japanese Ministry of Health controls and certifies production facilities which is a token of high quality in itself. The lists of products recommended for the treatment of various conditions are updated annually.
Fermentation and cryomilling are actively used by the premium Japanese manufacturers giving the products a world-recognized reputation of particular efficacy even with significantly smaller dosages of active substances.
A combination of old recipes, local ingredients, and advanced nanotechnologies provides for unique blends unmatched by anything existing on the market.
Extracts of local plants, unique marine elements, and natural organic raw material go through the most advanced purification procedures.
The synergy of complementing ingredients ensures maximum digestion.



Las instalaciones de producción de las Prácticas Correctas de Fabricación certificadas están situadas en las zonas ecológicamente limpias de Japón, donde las crestas de las montañas reúnen ríos con un potente caudal y agua limpia, que es el ingrediente clave en la elaboración de productos beneficiosos de calidad.



Las instalaciones de producción de las Prácticas Correctas de Fabricación certificadas están situadas en las zonas ecológicamente limpias de Japón, donde las crestas de las montañas reúnen ríos con un potente caudal y agua limpia, que es el ingrediente clave en la elaboración de productos beneficiosos de calidad.



Certified Good Manufacturing Practice production facilities are located in the ecologically clean areas of Japan, where the mountain ridges bring together rivers with the powerful flow and clean water, which is the key ingredient in the making of quality beneficial products.



The facilities have the highest levels of hygiene in the world. The factories were built according to the GMP standards. The highest levels of production quality have been achieved.



La producción se lleva a cabo en las instalaciones más seguras con un riesgo mínimo de productos de mala calidad. Todas las fábricas, incluida el agua, pasan por una ionización negativa (en equipos patentados) y funcionan como fábricas de aire y agua limpios que no existen en ningún otro lugar del mundo.



Los productos cuentan con la certificación GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products). Además, se han obtenido certificados para los sistemas de gestión de la seguridad alimentaria (ISO22000:2005) y las sustancias biológicamente activas (GMP).



Production takes place at the safest facilities with minimum risks of bad quality products. All the factories, including water, go through negative ionization (on patented equipment) and operate as clean air and water factories not available anywhere else in the world.



The products are GMP certified (Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products). Additionally, certificates have been obtained for food safety management systems (ISO22000:2005) and biologi- cally active substances (GMP).